Facebook Logo The Caltech Masters Swim Club
Great swimming at Caltech, Pasadena CA

The Workouts

The Coaches


Social Activities




Caltech Masters pool workout

Who we are:

    Caltech Masters Swim Club (CTMSC) has approximately 60 active members who enjoy coached group training. Team members' abilities range from getting-back-into-shape to competitive.
    Lanes are organized by speed and ability, however, you should be able to swim at least 100 yards comfortably.
    We swim in the Braun pool, which is located on the Caltech campus. It's a 25-yard, 8-lane pool and graduates in depth from 7 feet to 14 feet, with deck or ladder entry only.
    CTMSC is open to both Caltech and non-Caltech members. We offer a friendly, supportive atmosphere, and we always welcome new members!


    They typically include a warm-up set followed by a main set, kick set, pull set, and cool-down. You can also expect short or long sets, depending on the coach. Yardage per workout is up to you but generally falls in the 2000 to 4500 range. Coaches are happy to modify sets based on ability. Just ask!


    Braun pool Caltech Campus, year-round every Tuesday and Thursday 7:00pm-8:20pm,
        June thru August, Monday morning, 6-7 am
        Check the Facility Schedule.
    *Some are meeting at the Rosemead pool (9155 Mission Dr, $5 exact change) on Saturday mornings at 10:00am to swim and then go to lunch.
    *Many of our swimmers are avid open water swimmers and frequently can be found at Hermosa Beach on Saturday mornings. Feel free to join in for an ocean swim or take a walk on the beach instead and join them for breakfast afterward.


    Braun Athletic Center (Brown Gym)
    1200 E. California Blvd.
    Pasadena, CA 91106


    You can park for free in the underground garage on campus or on Wilson Avenue.
    Check in at the Brown Gym (East of the pools).

Meet The Coaches:

    It has been said, "Every Masters coach I have ever met has been friendly, encouraging, and all around a terrific coach; the Caltech coaches are no exception" - Anonymous.

Kenny, in sunglasses, smiling on pooldeck Ken Grace

    Kenny has been coaching since the invention of water in 1978. He is currently coaching the Tuesday and Thursday evening workouts.
    Typically his sets consist of a combination of short and long distances totaling 2500-3500 yards in 1h20mins. Slower swimmers should do about 70% of each set. He is famously known to throw in a Bon Bon at the end of the workout in the form of relay sprints.
        Warm up with 10 minutes of mixed swimming
        10 x 50-fast down easy back
        1 x 400 swim pick up pace last 100 yards
        Kick 6 x 75 with 20-30 sec. rest for each 75 done
        Pulls 6 x 200 30 sec. rest between 200s
        Swim 1 x 50, 1 x 100, 1 x 200, 1 x 100, 1 x 50
            with 10 sec. rest for each 50 done.
        (3050 yards + warm-up)

Coach Caitin Scott Caitlin Scott

    Caitlin graduated from Caltech in 2014 with a PhD in Chemistry, and she is happy to be back with Caltech Masters! Since joining the team in 2023, she has qualified for U.S. Masters National Championships in six events and can be frequently seen at local Masters swim meets. Her favorite events are IM and breaststroke. Her coaching goal is to have swimmers do 3000-4000 yards in 80 minutes.
    An example work out would be:
        600 warm-up
        4 x 100 50 kick/50 swim
        6 x 75 kick
        3 x 200 pull
        5 x 100 IM
        12 x 25 stroke
        200 warm down (3150 yards)


    All Caltech Masters team members are required to be current members of United States Masters Swimming. Current dues for USMS are $70 per year. When you join USMS, you will also become a member of Southern Pacific Masters Swimming (SPMS). List your club as CTM.
    Caltech Masters dues are $60 per month, or $50 per month if 3 or more months are paid ahead at one time. Dues are paid either by cash or check made out to 'Caltech Swim Club' and given to the coach on deck. You can also pay via Zelle to caltechmasterswim@gmail.com
        membership Inquiry form.

Club Social Activities:

    We typically have two social gatherings a year, one in the summer and one in December. They vary in location (this year's summer event was in sunny San Clemente!), but they're usually held in a private home in the Pasadena area, and they're always fun.

Interested in Joining Caltech Masters?

    If you would like a one time free session trial or join, please contact us by filling out and emailing back this membership Inquiry form.
    USMS contact/membership & Caltech Liaison: Suzy Dodd
        CaltechLiaison at CTMSC dot org
    Treasurer: Dan and Lori Stein
        Treasurer at CTMSC dot org
    Coach Liaison: Jan Martin
        Coach at CTMSC dot org
    Webmaster: Tom O'Hara
        Webmaster at CTMSC dot org

Lap Swimming and Lessons Resources:

    Arcadia County Pool Norman Johnson Aquatic Center 405 South Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia (626) 821-5894. Cost: $15 for 5 entries or $80 for 30 entries on line only - Membership Sign Up. Pool open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11am to 7pm - call.
    City of Duarte Fitness Center 1600 Huntington Dr 626-357-6118. Mon. thru Sat. 6:30am to 8:00am, 8 lanes, 2 swimmers per lane with 45 min. limit if people waiting. Every day, 11am-1pm, 6 lanes available for lap swimmers + area for 12 self directed aerobics. Cost $2 per entry, $1 for seniors 55+.
    Rosemead Aquatic Center - 9155 Mission Dr, Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 569-2273. 14 lanes. Currently, no reservation necessary, $3 residents, $5 non-residents, exact change. Mon. & Wed. 5pm-8pm, Tue. & Thu. 4-5:30pm, Sat 10:00am to 12:00pm.
    Sierra Madre Aquatic Center at Sierra Vista park 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre CA 91024. Phone (626) 355-2356. Call for hours.
    El Monte Aquatic Center - 11001 Mildred St, El Monte, CA 91731 (626) 580-2213. Senior Lap Swimming Mondays and Wednesdays 9am to 9:50am and 11am to 11:50am. Must sign up in person Monday mornings at 8:15am and prepay reservation for the week.

Other Links of Interest:

    Foothill Flyers Running Club. Fun walk/jog/runs Wednesday 6pm from REI, 214 N. Santa Anita Ave, Arcadia (cross street Santa Clara) - Next to the Arcadia Metro Gold line train station. Many local mountain trail maps and info on the Run Routes & Maps web page.


swimmers take their marks swimmers in the deep Braun Pool competition meet

La Jolla

La Jolla Cove 10 mile relay - September 2024

La Jolla

La Jolla Cove 10 mile relay - September 2023

Short Course Nationals Irvine 2023

U.S. Masters 2023 Spring Nationals, Irvine

Club Holiday Party 2022

Club Holiday Party Dec. 2022

La Jolla

La Jolla Cove 10 mile relay - September 2022

CTM pooldeck group

Caltech pool deck after the 2017 Pentathlon. Much of the water was splashed by the swimmers on the timers.

beach group June 2019 beach group July 2020 Beach group November 2020

The Beach Group - click to enlarge images

CTM beach group

Don Burns 1 Mile Corona Del Mar Open Water Swim 2017.

summer nationals

Long-course Masters Nationals in Portland Oregon - August of 2016.

The domain of this page is CTMSC.org Copyright ©2024 Tom O'Hara. All righ reserved.
Last update Nov. 17, 2024. Contact: webmaster at CTMSC dot org